Authorsort icon Title

Agu, Dr. Chinyere Rita, and Dr. Nicholas Idris Erameh, Editors

Nigeria’s Republic at Sixty: Dreams, Travails, and Hopes

Abramson, Bruce D.

American Spirit or Great Awokening?: The Battle to Restore or Destroy Our Nation

Adams, Alexander

Women and Art: A Post-Feminist View

Adams, Pauline

English Catholic Converts and the Oxford Movement in mid-19th Century Britain

Ahmed, Dr. Shekh Abdullah-Al-Musa

Information Security – Risk Management Framework: For Social Engineering Attacks and Digital Prevention Techniques

Akyüz, Emrah Ph.D.

Nuclear Energy: Perception or Reality?

Akyüz, Emrah, PhD

Urban Social Movements in Turkey

Al Safadi, Homam

The Great Convergence: Consciousness, Existence, and the Universal Design

Ali, Abdul Sahib Mehdi, Ph.D.

Translating Poetry Into Poetry: Recreating the Unity of Content and Form

Allan, James

The Age of Foolishness: A Doubter’s Guide to Constitutionalism in a Modern Democracy

Alper, Gerald

The Myth of Self Help: The Dumbing Down of Complexity

Alper, Gerald

The Selfish Gene Philosophy: Narcissistic Giving

Altun, Fahrettin, Professor

Türkiye as a Stabilizing Power in an Age of Turmoil

Alvaro, Carlo, PhD

Deism: A Rational Journey from Disbelief to the Existence of God

Amato, Silvia, Ph.D.

Nuclear Agendas in Japan and Taiwan: A Comparative Approach to Science, Technology, and Society

Amour, Philipp O., Ph.D., (Editor) University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

The Middle East Reloaded: Revolutionary Changes, Power Dynamics, and Regional Rivalries Since the Arab Spring (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Amusan, Lere Professor of Political Studies and International Relations, North West University, South Africa; Isiaka Alani Badmus, Associate Professor of Political Science at Afe Babalola University, Nigeria (EDITORS)

Contemporary Security Issues in Africa

Amusan, Lere, Professor of Political Studies and International Relations, North West University, South Africa; Isiaka Alani Badmus, Associate Professor and UNESCO Chair in Peace and Citizenship, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Afe Babalola University, Nigeria

Political Instability in Africa

Andreach, Robert J., Retired Professor of English, Monmouth College

Approaches to the Contemporary American Theatre

Andrews, Robert M.

Apologia Pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman’s Defense of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety

Andrews, Robert M., Catholic Institute of Sydney

Apologia Pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman’s Defence of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety

Andrews, Robert M., Catholic Institute of Sydney

Apologia Pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman’s Defence of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety (revised paperback edition)

Ani, Kelechi Johnmary, North West University, Mafikeng Campus, South Africa; Kayode Eesuola, University of Lagos, Editors

International Relations and Security Politics in Africa: Essays in Honor of Professor Victor Ojakorotu

Applegate, Edd, Professor Emeritus of Journalism, Middle Tennessee State University

Political and Social Change in the United States: A Brief History, with The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, The U.S. Constitution, and The Amendments to the Constitution

Armand, Louis and Wallace, Clare Elizabeth

Giacomo Joyce: Envoys of the Other

Aydin, Ozlem

Speaking from the Margins: The Voice of the 'Other' in the Poetry of Carol Ann Duffy and Jackie Kay

Ayres, Robert U.

On the Authorship Controversy: Evidence That Christopher Marlowe Wrote the Poems and Plays of William Shakespeare

Azad, Shirzad

Quo Vadis Korea: The Last Custodian of Confucianism and Its Atypical Transformation

Azar, Helen (Translator); Nicholas B.A. Nicholson (Annotator)

Michael Romanov: Brother of the Last Tsar, Diaries and Letters, 1916-1918

Azar, Helen (Translator); Nicholas B.A. Nicholson (Annotator)

Michael Romanov: Brother of the Last Tsar, Diaries and Letters, 1916-1918 (Paperback)

Bac, Jo - University of Aberdeen, School of Law

Artificial Intelligence: A Dependent Legal Person – An Evolutionary Step for the United States Patent Law (W.B. Sheridan Law Books)

Badin, Donatella Abbate

Lady Morgan’s Italy: Anglo–Irish Sensibilities and Italian Realities in Post Restoration Italy

Badry, Fatima

Acquiring the Arabic Lexicon: Evidence of Productive Strategies and Pedagogical Implications

Bailey, Scott, Ph.D.

In the ‘Wild Countries’ of Central Asia: Ethnography, Science, and Empire in Imperial Russia

Baltes, Sabine

Jonathan Swift’s Allies: The Wood’s Halfpence Controversy in Ireland, 1724-1725

Bamana, Gabriel

Tea Practices in Mongolia. Female Power and Gendered Meanings from Birth to Death

Barber, John

The Road From Eden: Studies in Christianity and Culture

Barry, Muffett, PhD

The Politics of Identity in Cuban-American Literature: An Interdisciplinary Study

Bean, Kevin, volume editor, Malcolm, Elizabeth, series editor

Irish Historical Documents, vol. 5

Beaney, Laura Cherrie

Crossing the Catwalk: Transvestism in Contemporary Fashion and Culture

Beckett, Jonathan, Ph.D.

Speaking Out: Reviewing School Suspension Policy

Bee, A. Ramija

Surrogacy and Other Reproductive Technologies

Belanger, Jacqueline

Critical Receptions: Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan

Berger, William, Metropolitan Opera author, lecturer, and commentator

Speaking of Wagner: Talking to Audiences about The Ring of the Nibelung

Bering, Henrik 

The Perfect Officer: Lessons in Leadership

Bhadra, Utpal, M.D.

MicroRNA: A New Era for Diagnosis and Therapies (Bethesda Scientific)

Bigg, Reverend Dr Andrew

Divine Insight and Human Consciousness: Opening the Dynamic Stability of a New Creation

Bílý, Matěj, Ph.D., Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague, Czech Republic

The Warsaw Pact, 1969-1985: The Pinnacle and Path to Dissolution

Birlik, Nurten & Tuğçe Çankaya and Türkan Aydın

Lacan in Literature and Film: A Closer Look at the Formation of Subjectivity in Lacanian Epistemology

Blakely, Curtis and Michelle, Truman State University

Socio – Physics: Applying the Natural Sciences to Criminal Justice and Penology

Blakely, Curtis and Michelle, Truman State University

Socio – Physics: Applying the Natural Sciences to Criminal Justice and Penology, Expanded Edition

Bland, Randall W., Ph.D.

Justice Thurgood Marshall, Crusader for Liberalism: His Judicial Biography

Bohström, Philippe

The Bible Decoded: The High-Tech Quest to Unlock the Secrets of the Bible

Bongyu, Moye Godwin

The African State and Asymmetrical Globalization: The Question of Unite or Perish

Bongyu, Moye Godwin Ph.D.

Law in Cameroon: A French Tradition (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Bouvard, Marguerite, Resident Scholar, Women’s Studies Research Center, Brandeis University

Pandemic Heroes and Heroines: Doctors and Nurses on the Front Line

Brewton, Butler E.

Richard Wright's Women: The Thematic Treatment of Women in Uncle Tom's Children, Black Boy and Native Son

Briciu, Bianca, Assistant Professor of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality, Saint Paul University

The Revolutionary Art of Love: From Romantic Love to Global Compassion

Browne, Thomas G.

Psychophysiological Medicine: A Measurable Metamorphosis of Type A Executive Stress

Buckley, Nick MBE

The Making of a Beggar: Rejecting Personal Responsibility

Buckley, Nick MBE

Lessons in Courage: How I Fought Back Against Cancel Culture and Won

Bunyuy, Juliette Suliy and Moye Godwin Bongyu

Stock Markets and Development in Africa

Burchill, Julie

Welcome to the Woke Trials: How #Identity Killed Progressive Politics

Burnham, Walter Dean with Thomas Ferguson and Louis Ferleger

Voting in American Elections: The Shaping of the American Political Universe since 1788

Caldararo, Niccolo

Accident, Touch, and Privacy: Climate Change and the Unguided Evolution of Humanity

Caldararo, Niccolo, Lecturer in Anthropology, San Francisco State University

The Future of Leisure and Retirement: Pension Schemes, Community Support, and Contemporary Consequences for the Next Generation

Callahan, John M., Ph.D.

Explaining Wars of Choice: Armed Humanitarian Intervention and Framing

Cameron, Rod

The Metaphysics of Culture

Chan, Adrian

Orientalism in Sinology

Chan, Stephen

Citizen of Africa: Conversations with Morgan Tsvangirai

Charnley, James

Anything But Dull: The Life and Art of Jeff Nuttall

Ciborski, Sara and Ireland, Helen-Ann

Assessment for Learning in Waldorf Classrooms: How Waldorf Teachers Measure Student Progress Toward Lifelong Learning Goals

Cissé, Daouda, PhD

China in Africa: From Macro-Level Engagements to Grassroots Interactions

Clampitt-Dunlap, Sharon, Ed.D.

Language Matters: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Language and Nationalism in Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico

Clark, Marlene: Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, City College of New York, CUNY

The Woman in Me: Willem de Kooning, Woman I-VI

Collie, Michael

Science on Four Wheels: The European Travels of Roderick Murchison

Collie, Michael

The Life Of George Borrow, 1803–1881: Misfit, Traveler and Author of Genius

Conner, Tom, Ph.D.

The Emergence of the French Public Intellectual

Conner, Tom, Ph.D.

French Intellectuals at a Crossroads, 1918-1939

Conner, Tom, Ph.D.

The Communist Temptation: Rolland, Gide, Malraux, and Their Times

Conrad, Barnaby

Writers Like Us: My Life With Sinclair Lewis

Crawford, Bethany

Redefining Eternity: Interfacing Immortality in the Digital Corporate World

Crosman, Robert

The World's a Stage: Shakespeare and the Dramatic View of Life

Cunningham, Eric

Hallucinating the End of History: Nishida, Zen, and the Psychedelic Eschaton

Cunningham, Ph.D., Eric

The Luciferic Verses: The Daodejing and the Chinese Roots of Esoteric History

Cunningham, Ph.D., Eric

The Luciferic Verses: The Daodejing and the Chinese Roots of Esoteric History

Curraoin, Diarmuid

“I Know That I have Broken Every Heart”: The Significance of the Irish Language in Finnegans Wake and in Other Works of James Joyce

D'Cunha, Sr. Candy, Associate Professor of English, Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology (India)

Eco-Literature: Contemporary Discourses

D'Cunha, Sr. Candy, Associate Professor of English, Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology (India)

Ecosophical Vision and Self-Realization in Margaret Atwood’s Prose

D'Cunha, Sr. Candy, Ken Saldanha, Editors

Eco-Aesthetics: Transnational Perspectives

D'Cunha, Sr. Candy, Ken Saldhana, Editors

Revisiting Eco-Literature: A Critical Study of Global Issues and Challenges

Dabulskis-Hunter, Susanne

Outsider Research: How White Writers Explore Native Issues, Knowledge and Experiences

Dahal, Kapil Babu, Ph.D.

Conflict, Gender, and Body Politic in Nepal: Anthropological Engagement with the Threatened Lives and Well-Being of Women (St. James’s Studies in World Affairs)

Dakoli, Elida, D.M.A.

Aleksander Peçi: Albanian Music Before and After the Iron Curtain

Davidzon, Vladislav, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, The Odessa Review, European Culture Critic, Tablet Magazine

From Odessa With Love: Political and Literary Essays in Post-Soviet Ukraine

Davis, Rohan, Ph.D. RMIT University in Melbourne

Next Stop, Tehran: The Neoconservative Campaign For War in Iran

de Carvalho, Olavo

The Olavo de Carvalho Reader

de la Mora, Gonzalo Fernández

The Twilight of Ideologies

de Marcellus, Juliette

The Princess, or the I Love Paris Ball

de Marcellus, Juliette, Editor

The Recollections of Sir James Bacon: Judge and Vice Chancellor, 1798-1895

De Marchi, Agnese, Ph.D., Ca' Foscari University, Venice

Between Palette and Pen: Images of Venice in the Work of F. Hopkinson Smith

Delhez, Julien

Shenoute of Atripe and the Rise of Monastic Education in Egypt

Demirdöğen, Yavuz

The Economics of Kidney Transplantation

Dennis, Mark, Professor of East Asian Religions, Texas Christian University and Rima Abunasser, Instructor in English, Texas Christian University

Voices of Freedom: The Middle East and North Africa

Dennis, Mark, Professor of East Asian Religions, Texas Christian University; Rima Abunasser, Instructor in English, Texas Christian University

Voices of Freedom: Asia

DePorte, Michael

Essays on Jonathan Swift

Devi, Sushma, Doctoral Research Fellow

National Security in the Digital Age: Cybersecurity Challenges in India (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Dianu, Tiberiu, attorney and author

Trumplandia: Populist Nationalism in America

Dima, Nicholas, Ph.D., Columbia University

The United States vs. Russia, 2009-2019: The Last Ten Years of an Old Geopolitical Game

Dixsaut, Monique

Plato-Nietzsche: Philosophy the Other Way

Dixsaut, Monique

Inventing the Philosopher: An Essay on the Dialogues of Plato

Donohue, Keith

The Irish Anatomist: A Study of Flann O’Brien

Donovan, Julie

Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan and the Politics of Style

Driscoll, James P., Ph.D.

Shakespeare’s Identities: Psychological, Mythic, and Existentialist Perspectives

Driscoll, James P., Ph.D.

Jung’s Cartography of the Psyche: A Guide to Terms, Concepts, and Insights

Driscoll, James P., Ph.D.

The Devil and Dr. Fauci: The Many Faces of Bureaucratic Evil

Driscoll, James P., Ph.D.

Carl vs. Karl: Jung and Marx, Two Icons for our Age

Driscoll, James, Ph.D.

Shakespeare and Jung - The God in Time

Driscoll, James, Ph.D., Shakespeare Scholar and AIDS Activist

How AIDS Activists Challenged America and Saved the FDA from Itself

du Quenoy, Paul, Ph.D.

Wagner and the French Muse: Music, Society, and Nation in Modern France

du Quenoy, Paul, Ph.D.

Alexander Serov and the Birth of the Russian Modern

du Quenoy, Paul, Ph.D.

Through the Years With Prince Charming: The Collected Music Criticism of Paul du Quenoy

du Quenoy, Paul, PhD

Cancel Culture: Tales from the Front Lines

du Quenoy, Paul, PhD

Alexander Serov and the Birth of the Russian Modern (New and Revised 2nd edition)

Dunn, Dorothy J., Ph.D, RNP, APN-C, FNP-BC, AHN-BC

Compassion Energy: A Heideggerian Approach

Easton, Eric B., Professor Emeritus of Law, University of Baltimore

The Life and Crimes of Jared Flagg: Adventures of a Gilded Age Huckster, Swindler & Pimp

Echeverran, Roberto

One Against All: Lenin and His Legacy

Edminster, Bruce A.

The Gift of Tongues: Ecstatic Utterance or Foreign Languages? The Linguistic Evidence

Edwards, Owen Dudley

The Early Writings of Conor Cruise O’Brien

Ehwarieme, William & Nathaniel Umukoro, Editors

Democracy and Human Rights in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

El-Halabi, Bachar, Asfari Institute, American University of Beirut

Human Rights and the Arab Spring: The Cases of Tunisia and Egypt (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)(Paperback edition)

El-Halabi, Bachar, National University of Ireland, Galway

Human Rights and the Arab Spring: The Cases of Tunisia and Egypt (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Ellis, Frank H.

The ABC of Lit Crit

Farrell, Christopher J., Director of Investigations and Research, Judicial Watch, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute

Exiled Emissary: George H. Earle, III – Soldier, Sailor, Diplomat, Governor, Spy

Farren, Margaret and Crotty, Yvonne, co-editors

Technology, Action Research and Workplace Learning

Farren, Margaret, Ph.D, School of Education, Dublin City University; Professor Whitehead, Jack, Liverpool Hope University, UK; Professor Bognor, Branko, Department of Pedagogy, Philosophical Faculty, Strossmeyer University (Croatia)

Action Research in the Educational Workplace

Fitzgerald, Patricia A. and Fitzgerald, Terence

Irish Literary Life: An Almanac, 1950- 2000

Flynn, James R., Ph.D.

A Book Too Risky To Publish: Free Speech and Universities

Fogel, Dr. Curtis (with Andrea Quinlan,York University and Dr Elizabeth Quinlan, D/Sociology, University of Saskatchewan)

Imaginative Inquiry: Innovative Approaches to Interdisciplinary Research

Foley, Jack

COLLISIONS: violences by Jack Foley

Foley, Jack, acclaimed poet

"A Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Roads": A Reminiscence and a presentation of the Various Forms I Have Employed Throughout My Long, Long Life

Foley, Jack, acclaimed poet

The Light of Evening: A Brief Life of Jack Foley

Foster, John Wilson

Truth and Consequence: Literary and Cultural Essays on Modern Ireland

Foster, Stephen Paul

Desolation's March: The Rise of Personalism and The Reign of Amusement in 21st Century America

Fradella, Henry F.

From Insanity to Diminished Capacity: Mental Illness and Criminal Excuse in Contemporary American Law

Fradella, Henry F.

Sex and Privacy in American Law (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Fradella, Henry F.

The Law of Interrogations and Confessions: A Guide for Law Enforcement Officers and Students of Law and Justice (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Frame, Jackie

All the Stars at My Party: Celebrity Encounters in Hollywood

Frame, Jackie

All the Stars at My Party: Celebrity Encounters in Hollywood (Paperback)

Francescato, Simone

La Donna è Mobile: Portraits of Suburban Women in 1970s American Cinema

Friedmann, Jonathan L.

A City Haphazard: Jewish Musicians in Los Angeles, 1887-1927

Frost, Peter

European Hair, Eye, and Skin Color: Solving the Puzzle

Funk, S. Lee

Why Rampage Killers Emerge: Conditions and Characteristics

Funk, S. Lee

How Rampage Killers Interpret Their Worlds

Gaffey, Janice

Witnessing the Pandemic: Irish Print Media and HIV/AIDS in Ireland and Sub-Saharan Africa

Galafa, Beaton, Lecturer in Education and Humanities, Millennium University (Malawi)

African Values and Social Studies Education

Gallagher, David

Latin American Studies: Critiques of Contemporary Cinema, Literatures, Politics and Revolution

Gardiner, W. Lambert

Media: Past, Present and Future

Gassanly, Murad PhD, Cardiff University

A History of International Oil Politics: Theoretical Perspectives and Case Studies (Paperback)

Gassanly, Murad PhD, Cardiff University

A History of International Oil Politics: Theoretical Perspectives and Case Studies

Gates, Bradley Mason

The Last Great Banzai: Saipan, 1944

Gentry, John A., PhD

Diversity Dysfunction: The DEI Threat to National Security Intelligence

Gfoeller, Michael

A New Golden Age of Archeology: Recent Discoveries in Armenia

Ghandour, Christel, University of Leiden

ISIS’s Use of Sexual Violence in Iraq (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Ghandour, Christel, University of Leiden

ISIS’s Use of Sexual Violence in Iraq (St. James's Studies in World Affairs) (paperback)

Gibelin, Thibaud

How Viktor Orbán Plays To Win: The Resurgence of Central Europe

Giordano, Ralph G.

Italian Culture in America: How a Founding Father Introduced Italian Art, Architecture, Food, Wine, and Liberty to the American People

Giordano, Ralph G.

Italian Culture in America: The Immigrants, 1880 to 1930 – From Discrimination to Assimilation

Goertzel, Ben

The Path to Posthumanity: Aspects of Near-Future Science and Technology

Goldfrank, David, Professor Emeritus of History, Georgetown University; Kevin M. Kain, Senior Lecturer in Global Studies, University of Wisconsin (Ediitors)

Russia’s Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate: Apogee and Finale, 1648-1721

Goldfrank, David, Professor Emeritus of History, Georgetown University; Kevin M. Kain, Senior Lecturer in Global Studies, University of Wisconsin (Editors)

Russia’s Early Modern Orthodox Patriarchate: Foundations and Mitred Royalty, 1589-1647

Goldstone, Lawrence

Imperfect Union: How Errors of Omission Threaten Constitutional Democracy

Gömceli, Nursen

Timberlake Wertenbaker and Contemporary British Feminist Drama: Feminism(s) Illustrated in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s “New Anatomies” (1981), “The Grace of Mary Traverse” (1985), “The Love of the Nightingale” (1988), and “The Break of Day” (1995)

Gorbatov, Inna

Catherine the Great and the French Philosophers of the Enlightenment: Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot and Grimm

Graff, Gil, J.D., Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles

Jewish Tradition in a Western Key: Essays on Jews and Judaism in a Changing World, 1789-1939

Grant, John Angell

Women and Religion in the Modern Drawing Room - Plays of T.S. Eliot

Green, Yonatan

Rogue Justice: The Rise of Judicial Supremacy in Israel

Greenlaw, Duncan

Preying on Foresaid Remains: Remembrance, Commitment and the Contexts of Irish Identity

Greer, Steven

Falsely Accused of Islamophobia: My Struggle Against Academic Cancellation (Revised and Expanded Paperback Edition)

Gruis, Leslie N.

The Privacy Pirates

Gruis, Leslie N., National Security Administration (ret.)

Privacy: Past, Present, and Future

Guillen, Matthew

Reading America: Text as Cultural Force

Gupta, Priyanka

Feminist Fiction and the Indian Partition of 1947: New Perspectives

Gutiérrez-Boronat, Orlando

Cuba: The Doctrine of the Lie

Gutterman, Roy S.

The L. Rev.: The Law Review Experience in American Legal Education

Hall, John

Semiconductor Design and Implementation Issues in Integrated Vehicle Electronics

Hall, Wayne E.

The Respectability of Ireland: Selections from the Dublin Magazine 1832 - 1879

Halloran, Mark Ph.D., journalist, psychologist, and radio host

Iconoclast: Ideas That Have Shaped The Culture Wars

Hanson, Utibe: University of Ibadan (Nigeria)

Football as Literature: A Semiotic Reading

Hantel, Katya Chistik

The U.S. Media and Climate Change: Recent Trends (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Harmon, Maurice (translator) with an Introduction by Sean O’Coilean

The Colloquy of the Old Men (Acallam na Senorach)

Harper, Lila, Editor

The Evolution Reader

Haug, N. A.

Politics, Law, and Disorder in the Garden of Eden: The Quest for Identity

Haug, Nils A.

Enemies of the Innocent: Life, Truth, and Meaning in a Dark Age

Hauptman, Robert

Debunking Scholarly Nonsense

Hauptman, Robert

Travel Ruminations

Hauptman, Robert, Professor Emeritus of Information Science, St. Cloud State University

A Popular Handbook of the Emotions

Havardi, Jeremy

A Persistent Prejudice: Anti-Semitic Tropes and Double Standards in the Anti-Israel Movement

Hawkins, Maureen S.G. (University of Lethbridge)

The Form of the Nation Made Perfect: The Politics of Irish Historical Drama

Heise, Paul Brian

Wagner’s Mature Music-Dramas (Tristan and Isolde, The Mastersingers of Nuremberg, and Parsifal) in Light of Their Allegorical Relationship to The Ring of the Nibelung

Heise, Paul Brian

Prequel to The Ring of the Nibelung: How Wagner’s Three Canonical Operas (The Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser, and Lohengrin) Paved the Way to his Mature Music Dramas

Heise, Paul Brian, Internationally Recognized Author and Specialist on Richard Wagner

The Wound That Will Never Heal: An Allegorical Interpretation of Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung

Heitzman, Chris

The Coming Woke Catastrophe: A Critical Examination of Woke Culture

Heitzman, Chris

“Nobody Has Complained,” Or Are You Just Not Listening? 28 Ways To Be Better In Business

Hernandez, Ana, Ph.D.

An Evolving Racial Identity: A Social and Cultural History of Latinos in the United States

Hill, Douglas Warren

An Idler: John Hay’s Social and Aesthetic Commentaries for the Press During the Civil War, 1861 - 1865

Hill, Wm. Thomas (Editor)

Lonely Without God: Graham Greene’s Quixotic Journey of Faith

Hipolito, T. A.

From Natura to Nature: How Love, Imagination, and Integrity Formed the Modern World

Hodder, Rupert

Turning the Tables: How the Third World Overthrew the West

Honey, David B., Humanities Professor of Chinese, Brigham Young University

A History of Chinese Classical Scholarship, Volume I, Zhou: Confucius, the Six Classics, and Scholastic Transmission

Honey, David B., Humanities Professor of Chinese, Brigham Young University

A History of Chinese Classical Scholarship, Volume II: Qin, Han, Wei, Jin: Canon and Commentary

Honey, David B., Humanities Professor of Chinese, Brigham Young University

A History of Chinese Classical Scholarship, Volume III: Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui, and Early Tang: The Decline of Factual Philology and the Rise of Speculative Hermeneutics

Horvath, Dorota Olivia, Ph.D.

Nietzsche and Joyce Carol Oates: Nietzschean Themes in The Wonderland Quartet

Hude, Henri-Paul

A Philosophy of War

Huizar, Angelica J.

Beyond the Page: Latin American Poetry from the Calligramme to the Virtual

Humphrey, Judith

The English Girl Schools' Story: Subversive and Imaginative Constructs of a Traditional Conservative Literary Text

Hunting, Penelope

The Saint and the Disciple: John Henry, Cardinal Newman, The Reverend George Dudley Ryder and the Catholic Revival in Nineteenth Century England

Hutchinson, Martin

The Great Conservatives: A Study of the Origins and Continuities of A British Political Tradition

I-Morphé, Randee O.

Community and Self Definition in the Book of Acts: A Study of Early Christianity's Strategic Response to the World

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu Ph.D.

Speeches on the Nigerian Civil War: A Historical Documentation, Biafran and Federal Perspectives, Volume I

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu Ph.D.

Speeches on the Nigerian Civil War: A Historical Documentation, Biafran and Federal Perspectives, Volume II

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu, Ph.D.

Britain's Injurious Peace Games in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu, Ph.D.

Once Upon a Time in Biafra: Memories, Foreign Visitations and Life Experiences in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu, Ph.D.

Britain, the Royal Air Force and Relief Flights to Biafra, 1968-1969

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu, Ph.D.

Battle of Biafra: British Intelligence and Diplomacy in the Nigerian Civil War

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu, Ph.D.

The Forgotten Perspective: Okoi Arikpo in Diplomatic History of Biafran War

Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu, Ph.D., Department of History, University of Ibadan (Nigeria)

Oilfields and Airpower in African Conflict: The Case of Biafra

Illing, Sean, Ph.D.

Prophets of Nihilism: Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, and Camus

Irshaidat, Rand, PhD

Marketing Case Studies: Linking Theory to Practice

Isert, P.E.: Translated and Edited by Selena Axelrod Winsnes

Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade: Paul Erdmann Isert’s Journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia (1788)

Ismayilov, Elnur, Ph.D., University of Münster

Russia’s Military Interventions in Georgia and Ukraine: Interests, Motives, and Decision-Making

Isumonah, V. Adefemi; Nathaniel Umukoro

Confronting Islamist Terrorism in Africa: The Cases of Nigeria and Kenya

Itzkoff, Seymour W.

Our Unfinished Biological Revolution

Itzkoff, Seymour W.

Civilization, Beyond Our Fall

Jaksich, P., Editor

Prime Butterfly Areas in Serbia

Jan, Aneeda, University of Kashmir

Honor Killings: Socio-Legal Dimensions (Saint James’ Studies in World Affairs)

Janes, Regina

Edmund Burke on Irish Affairs

Jeche, Valerie, Department of International Relations, University of Zimbabwe

Prisoners of War or Unlawful Combatants?: Guantanamo Bay and International Law (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Jessup, Frances

Christopher Fry: A Dramatic Reassessment of the Fry/Eliot Era of British Verse Drama

Johnson, Roscoe A., Ph.D., Professor of English, Lone Star College

Understanding Dual Credit Education: Theory, Philosophy, and Psychology – The Community College Perspective

Johnson, Roscoe A., Ph.D., Professor of English, Lone Star College

The Instructional Designers: A Guide for Dual Credit Teachers—Theory and Practice

Johnston, Roy H W

Century of Endeavour: A Biographical and Autobiographical Father-Son View of the 20th Century in Ireland

Jones, David Martin, Ph.D.; M. L. R. Smith, Ph.D.

Terror in the Western Mind: Cultural Responses to 9/11

Kadar, Nicholas, MD

Ignaz Semmelweis and the Vienna School of Medicine

Kalichava, Kakhaber

Timeless Turmoil: A Comparative History of the Conflicts in Kosovo, Abkhazia, and the Tskhinvali Region

Kaller, Brian

The Last Who Remember: Traditional Ireland in the Words of its People

Kalpakli, Fatma

British Novelists and Indian Nationalism Contrasting Approaches in the Works of Mary Margaret Kaye, James Gordon Farrell and Zadie Smith

Kaplan, Jay (Julius)

Secrets and Suspense: International Law Stories

Kaplan, Jay, Chairman, National Museum of the Jewish People

Secrets and Suspense: International Law Stories (Paperback Edition) (W.B. Sheridan Law Books)

Karimova, Gulnara Z.

Bakhtin and Interactivity: A Conceptual Investigation of Advertising Communication

Karimova, Gulnara, Ph.D

Strategic Creativity in Marketing Communications

Karolak, Magdalena

The Social Media Wars: Sunni and Shi'a Identity Conflicts in the Age of Web 2.0 and the Arab Spring

Karthikeyan, E.

Earning and Spending in Rural India: The Case of Tamil Nadu

Kayyali, Mustafa, Ph.D.

In Other Words: A Journey through Translation, Interpretation, and Meaning

Kent, Neil

Italia Rediviva: A Social and Cultural History of Italy, 1740-1900

Kent, Neil & Clément Chevalier

Bulwark of the Old Regime: France’s Royal Swedish Regiment in the French and American Revolutions

Kent, Neil (Editor) University of Cambridge and Irina du Quenoy, Georgetown University

Current Trends in Cyber Security

Kent, Neil, Professor and Fellow, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge

A Concise History of the Russian Orthodox Church

Kent, Neil, University of Cambridge

Italia Rediviva: A Social and Cultural History of Italy, 1740-1900 (Paperback)

Kent, Neil, University of Cambridge & Irina du Quenoy, Georgetown University (Editors)

Cyber Security Meets National Security: International Perspectives on Digital Era Threats (St. James’s Series in World Affairs)

Kent, Neil, University of Cambridge; Irina du Quenoy, Georgetown University

New Perspectives on Intelligence Gathering in Eurasia (St. James’s Series in World Affairs)

Kent, Neil, University of Cambridge; Irina du Quenoy, Georgetown University (Editors)

New Technologies and National Security Challenges

Kent, Neil, University of Cambridge; Irina du Quenoy, Georgetown University (Editors)

R)evolution: Security Challenges Past and Present

Khan, Ghulam Qadir, MA, FTC

The Rise of Militancy in Waziristan: The Inside Story of Facing A Faceless Enemy 2001-2012

Khan, Q. M. Jalal, Professor of English (ret.) and Political Writer; K. M. A. Malik, Professor of Chemistry (ret.) and Political Writer

Begum Khaleda Zia: Portrait of a People’s Leader

Khisamutdinov, Ph.D., Amir A., Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia) and V. Rev. Anatole Lyovin, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Hawai'i at Manoa

A History of the Orthodox Church in Hawaii: Two Hundred Years on the Road

Kieckhefer, Daniel

Secrets of Cinema: 100 Movies That Are Not What They Seem

Kieckhefer, Daniel

Secrets of Cinema: 100 Movies That Are Not What They Seem (Paperback)

Kityo, James

Medical Circumcision and HIV/AIDS Policy (Bethesda Scientific)

Klitgard, Ida

On The Horizon: A Poetics of the Sublime in Virginia Woolf's The Waves

Klvaňa, Tomáš

Cuba: A Brief History of the End

Knaus, Christopher

Race, Racism, and Multiraciality in American Education

Knoll, Reinhold

Letters To My Grandchildren

Knoll, Reinhold, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna; Kenneth Quandt, Ph.D. in Classics, University of California, Berkeley

The Revelation of Art-Religion

Koenig, Bernard

Art Matters: The Art of Knowledge/The Knowledge of Art

Koseman, Zennure

From the Way to Wealth to the Gospel of Wealth: The Transformation of the Concept of Success in American Literature from Benjamin Franklin to Theodore Dreiser

Köseman, Zennure

Ernest Hemingway and the Short Story

Kour, Kawal Deep

Opium Consumption and Experience in India: From the Earliest to Contemporary Times

Kour, Kawal Deep

Ghazipur, The Opium Mint: From 1820 to the Present

Krause, David

Revisionary Views: Counter-Statements and Interventions About Irish Life and Literature

Krause, Paul

Finding Arcadia: Wisdom, Truth, and Love in the Classics

Kuhrt, David

To Tell the Truth: Fifty Years of Politics in the Promised Land

Kuhrt, David, Author of Wittgenstein the Tartar

The Trojan War Has Not Been Won: Twelve Essays on the Resolution of East-West Conflict and the Errors of Positive Knowledge in Ancient Greece

Kundu, Subir Ranjan

Exploring Genome’s Junkyard: In the Labyrinth of Evolution

Kundu, Subir Ranjan

Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam: A Defined Redux of Human Evolution (Bethesda Scientific)

Kurjian, Douglas

The Dictionary of Vital Expressions

Kurlantzick, Lewis, Editor and contributor

Legal Issues in American Basketball

Kurlantzick, Lewis, Zephaniah Swift Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law

Legal Issues in Professional Hockey: National and International Dimensions

Kurlantzick, Lewis; Editor and contributor

The Law of American Basketball

LaFreniere, Gilbert

The Decline of Nature: Environmental History and the Western Worldview

Laura Cherrie Beaney

Crossing the Catwalk: Transvestism in Contemporary Fashion and Culture (Paperback)

Lavoie, Reverend Jeffrey D. MA (Harvard)

Esotericism and Christian Socialism in the Late Victorian Era: The Life and Teachings of Reverend G. W. Allen (1859 – 1913) and the Historical Narrative of the Christo-Theosophical Society

Lavoie, The Reverend Jeffrey D.

Racism and The Baptist Bible Fellowship: Segregation, Anti-Communism and Religious Fundamentalism in the American South 1950-1965

Lavoie, The Reverend Jeffrey D.

Segregation and the Baptist Bible Fellowship: Integration, Anti-Communism and Religious Fundamentalism, 1950 – 1970

Lawless, James

Clearing the Tangled Wood: Poetry as a Way of Seeing the World

Laxmiprasad, P. V. Ph.D., Department of English, Satavahana University (India)

Perspectives on Mizo Culture: A Critical Study of Laltluangliana Khiangte’s Folktales of Mizoram

Laxmiprasad, P. V., Ph.D., (Editor); Department of English, Satavahana University (India)

The Mirror and the Reflections: Interpreting the World Literatures through Literary Theories

Laxmiprasad, P. V., Ph.D., Department of English, Satavahana University (India)

Tagore as Philosophical Voyager: A Critical Study of "Gitanjali"

Laxmiprasad, P. V., Ph.D., Department of English, Satavahana University (India)

Rewriting Indian History: Colonial Encounter in Basavaraj Naikar’s "The Queen of Kittur"

Laxmiprasad, P. V., PhD, Editor

The Poetry of Subramania Bharati: Tradition and Modernity

Lazarus, Arthur L., MD, MBA,

Narrative Medicine: New and Selected Essays

Lbova, Liudmila V. and Pavel V. Volkov

The Oldest Art of Siberia: Forms, Symbols, Technologies

Lee Bosher, FRGS

Social and Institutional Elements of Disaster Vulnerability: The Case of South India

Levi, Steven C.

The Great Red Scare in World War One Alaska: Elite Panic, Government Hysteria, Suppression of Civil Liberties, Union-Breaking, and Germanophobia, 1915 – 1920

Levi, Steven C.

The Committee of Vigilance: The Law and Order Committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and Its War Against the Left, 1916 - 1919

Levornik, Zoë I.

Nuclear Dialogues: The Social (Re)Construction of Nuclear Weapons

Li, Simin, University of Victoria (Canada)

Discourses of Asian Societies: Cases from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan

Liakopoulos, Dimitris, Professor of International and European Union Law, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Debtor Protection in American and European Union Bankruptcy Law: A Comparative Analysis of Automatic Stay

Liakopoulos, Dimitris, Tufts University

Complicity in International Law (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Liakopoulos, Dimitris, Tufts University

International Organizations and Legal Sanctions Against Governments (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Liakopoulos, Dimitris, Tufts University

International Organizations and Reparations (W.B. Sheridan Law Books)

Liakopoulos, Dimitris: Tufts University

States and the Interpretation of Treaties (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Liakopoulos, Dimitris: Tufts University

The Role of Customs in International Treaties (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Liakopoulou, Irini, Oklahoma State University

Comparative Regulation, Economic Analysis, and Applications of Private Equity in the United States and European Union

Liakopoulou, Irini, Oklahoma State University

Crowdfunding in the United States and European Union: Markets, Platforms, Critics, and Future Prospects

Liddelow , Eden

From Big Brother to Big Brother: Nihilism and Society in the Age of Screen

Lin, Catherine Kai-Ping, Ph.D.

Sports and Foreign Policy in Taiwan: Nationalism in International Politics

Lionel, (Fr)Joseph

My Beloved: The Theological and Liturgical Understanding of The Christian Priesthood

Lipski, Jakub and Jacek Mydla

The Enchantress of Words, Sounds and Images: Anniversary Essays on Ann Radcliffe (1764–1823)

Loomis, George W., Internationally Acclaimed Music Critic and Commentator

Tommaso Traetta and the Fusion of Italian and French Opera in Parma

Lopez-Fernandez, Laura

Form and Perception in Visual Poetry

Louw, P. Eric

Decolonization and White Africans: The “Winds of Change,” Resistance, and Beyond

Louw, P. Eric

Afrikaner Identity: From Anticolonial Struggle Through Hegemonic Nationalism to Disempowered Minority

Lovatt, Stephen

Plato and Platonic Wisdom: A Contemporary View of the Classical Canon

Lowndes, Emma

Turning Victorian Ladies Into Women: The Life of Bessie Rayner Parkes, 1829 – 1925

Loza, Mauricio; Independent Researcher and Technology Writer

The Hounds of Actaeon: The Magical Origins of Public Relations and Modern Media

Lumley, Sarah

Sordid Boon? The Context of Sustainability in Historical and Contemporary Global Economics

Lutz, David W. ,Ph.D (Holy Cross College (USA) and The Catholic University of Eastern Africa) with Paul M. Shimiyu, George Ndemo Osengo and Opiyo A Oguta

War and Peace in Africa: Philosophy, Theology and the Politics of Confrontation

Mabille, Louise

The (R)Age of Caliban: Nietzsche and Wilde in a Post-Structuralist Perspective

MacGuire, James

John Millington Synge, the Aran Islands, and His Influences: A Short Study (Maunsel Irish Studies)

Mahoney, Harry T.

Espionage in Early Mexico: Aztec, Spanish Colonial and the Revolutions of 1810 and 1910 Considered

Mahoney, Harry Thayer and Mahoney, Marjorie L.

Espionage in Elizabethan England

Mai, Tam

Human Trafficking as a Brand Within the Framework of Human Rights: Case Studies in the United States

Mai, Tam, PhD

China Moves South: Human Rights Implications in the Paracel and Spratly Islands (St. James’s Studies in World Affairs)

Maior, George Cristian

America’s First Spy: The Tragic Heroism of Frank Wisner

Maior, George Cristian

America’s First Spy: The Tragic Heroism of Frank Wisner (Paperback)

Majumdar, Sirshendu

Yeats and Tagore: A Comparative Study of Cross-Cultural Poetry, Nationalist Politics, Hyphenated Margins and The Ascendancy of the Mind

Mallet, Georges

The Convergence of Science and Belief

Mamelok, Richard David

What Grace

Mandle, Jay R.

Creating Political Equality: American Elections as a Public Good

Manes, R. Averell

The Pied-Noirs 1960-2000: A Case Study in the Persistence of Subcultural Distinctiveness

Manweller, Mathew

The People vs.The Courts: Initiative Elites, Ballot Measures and Judicial Nullification in the American State System

Manyak, Michael J., M.D., FACS, former Chief Medical Officer of Triple Canopy, Rear Admiral Joyce M. Johnson, D.O., M.A., USPHS [ret.], former Director of Health and Safety, United States Coast Guard, Warren J. Young, MBA, Chief Security Officer, International Monetary Fund

Lizard Bites & Street Riots: Travel Emergencies and Your Health, Safety, and Security

Maougal, Mohamed and Kassoul, Aicha; Translation: Professor Philip Beitchman, NYU

The Algerian Destiny of Albert Camus: 1940 – 1962

Marsland, Amy and Marsland, William B.

Origin of Culture

Martin, Kelly

Everything is a Translation: Literary Translation as a Metadiscipline and as a Practice

Martinez, Jose, Ph.D

Football in American Society: Fandom and the Dallas Cowboys

Martinez, Jose, Ph.D.

Inequality in American Education: The Entrenchment of a Two-Tiered System

Martinez, Jose, Ph.D.

America’s Future: Major Social Changes

Martinez, Jose, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology (ret.), University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Covid-19 and the Transformation of American Society (Hardcover and Paperback)

Martinez, Jose, Ph.D.; Professor of Sociology (ret.), University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Diversity, Funding, and Standardized Testing in American Education: Causes of Inequality

Martins, Peter

Balanchine and Me

Marvell, Leon

Transfigured Light: Philosophy, Science and the Hermetic Imaginary

Mathur, Shubh

Wars Without a Name: A History of Indian Counterinsurgency

Matos, T.Carlo

Ibsen's Foreign Contagion: Henrik Ibsen, Arthur Wing Pinero and Modernism on the London Stage,1880 -1900

Mbang, Confidence

Prison Decongestion in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects

McBroom, William

Explaining the Holocaust: Behavior of Perpetrators, Victims and Bystanders

McCarthy, John P.

Twenty-first Century Ireland: A View From America

McCartney, Robert, QC,MP; Foreword by John O’Sullivan

Reflections on Liberty, Democracy and the Union

McClinton, Jeton, Ph.D.

Becoming Into Being for the Black Clerisy: Manifestation of an Academician, Scholar, and Quintessential Opsimath

McCormack, William J.

The Dark Grove: Collected Essays, Introductions and Obituaries

McDowell, Dorothea

Ella Young and Her World: Celtic Mythology, The Irish Revival and The Californian Avant-Garde

McGrath, Charles Ivar , volume editor (University College Dublin) ; Malcolm, Elizabeth , series editor (University of Melbourne)

Irish Historical Documents, vol. 3

McInnis, Gilbert

Evolutionary Mythology in the Writings of Kurt Vonnegut: Darwin, Vonnegut and the Construction of an American Culture

McKinley, Kenya

Educational Services for Homeless Adults: A Qualitative Research Study

McLure, Victoria

The Shattered Visage: The Remythologising of the British Literary Hero After World War 1

McMullen, Emerson Thomas (editor and translator)

William Harvey’s De Motu Cordis: A New Translation and Latin Edition

McNamara, Donald, Editor

The History of Ireland by Standish O'Grady

McParland, Robert, Professor of English, Felician University

Cultural Memory, Consciousness, and the Modernist Novel

Medyanik, Vadim

Nobility, Entrepeneurship, and Politics in Late Imperial Russia: A Biography of Nikolai von Ditmar

Mentan, Tatah

Understanding Contemporary Capitalism: A Marxist Historical / Materialist Interpretation

Mentan, Tatah

The Recolonization of Africa Today: With Neither Guns nor Bullets (Revised Edition)

Mentxaka, Aintzane L.

Kate O'Brien and the Basques / La Escritora Kate O'Brien Y Euskadi

Meurer, Thomas E.

The Wild, Wild East: Adventures in Business from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism

Meyer-Dinkgrafe, Daniel and Tague, Gregory F. - Editors

Origins of English Dramatic Modernism, 1870 - 1914

Michalopoulos, Dimitris G. Ph.D.

The Homeric Question Revisited: An Essay on the History of the Ancient Greeks

Michalopoulos, Dimitris, Ph.D.

America, Russia, and the Birth of Modern Greece

Milyukov, Ilya: Attorney and Writer

Chronicles of The First and Second Chechen Wars

Mitchell, Kenya, PhD

Narrative Medicine in Action: Lessons from the Maternal Mortality Project

Mitjashin, Alexander

From Metaphysics to Decision Making

Moffitt, Leonard Caum

Challenge of Change: Perspective for Our Twenty-First Century

Mohansundaram, M. Dhanalakshmi, Dr.

Steel Workers in India

Mood, John

Joyce's Ulysses for Everyone: Plotting the Narrative

Moore, Sean (Editor, with notes and introduction)

Critical Receptions: Jonathan Swift

Morkoc, Selen

A Study of Ottoman Narratives on Architecture: Text, Context and Hermeneutics

Morris, Ruth

Mary Elizabeth Braddon and the Jewish Question: A Victorian English Novelist and the Worlds of Anglo-Jewry, Zionism and Judaism, 1859 - 1913

Morris, Ruth

Mary Elizabeth Braddon's Belgravia, A London Magazine, and the World of Anglo-Jewry, Jews and Judaism, 1866 - 1899

Morris, Ruth

Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Yorkshire: Dialect, Place and Setting in Victorian Sensation Literature

Morris, Ruth

The Literary Evolution of Mary Elizabeth Braddon: A Study of the Darwinian Vision in the Doctor's Wife and Other Novels

Morrow, John Andrew

Islam & Slavery

Morrow, John Andrew

Hijab: Word of God or Word of Man?

Moscow, Sofia- in cooperation with Bethesda Scientific

Sea Slugs of the Red Sea

Moullec, Gaël-Georges

Constructing the Soviet Elite: Recruitments, Exclusions, and Repressions Within the Soviet Communist Party, 1917-1941

Murchison, Dr. Arthur, editor of the Murchison Papers and Journals

War Before Science: Sir Roderick Impey Murchison's Youth, Army Service and Military Associates During the Napoleonic Wars

Murphy, Cliona

Charlotte Elizabeth's Ireland

Murphy, James H. (edited , with notes and an extended Introduction)

Rosa Mulhollond’s (Lady Gilbert ,1841-1922) Marcella Grace

Murphy, Reverend Joseph P.

The Fountain of Life: John Calvin, the Devotio Moderna and Metaphorical Theology of Trinity, Word, and Sacrament

Murphy, Sean

The Lucas Affair

Murray, Jorge Edmundo

Becoming Gauchos Ingleses: Diasporic Models in Irish – Argentine Literature

Musa, Bala

Framing Genocide: Retribilization and Conflict Management in the New World (Dis)order: The Media, Diplomacy and The Framing of Domestic Implosions

Myers, Jason

The Great War and Memory in Irish Culture, 1918 -2010

Nall, Jeffery

Feminism and the Mastery of Women

Napolitano, Judge Andrew P.

Freedom’s Anchor: An Introduction to Natural Law Jurisprudence in American Constitutional History

Nasr, Nicole

Real Housewives of Diplomacy: A Psychological Study

Nasr, Nicole

Real Housewives of Diplomacy: A Psychological Study (Paperback)

Necula, Maria-Cristina, Ph.D., City University of New York Graduate Center

The Don Carlos Enigma: Variations of Historical Fictions

Nefedkin, Alexander K., St. Petersburg State University (Russia)

Warfare in the Russian Arctic: The Military History of Chukotka from the Early First Millennium to the Nineteenth Century

Nelson, Elena, Ph.D.

Tradition and Innovation in Russian Church Slavonic Hymnography

Nelson, Scott, Ph.D. & Matthew Edwards

Cicero, Politics, and the 21st Century

Newman, Zelda Kahan

Kadya Molodowsky: The Life of a Yiddish Woman Writer

Newman, Zelda Kahan

Kadya Molodowsky: The Life of a Jewish Woman Writer, 2nd Revised Edition

Ngide, George Ewane

From Dead Thoughts and Withered Leaves To Unextinguished Hearth and Awakened Earth: Percy Bysshe Shelley in Politics and Society

Nichols, Julie

Maps and Meaning: Urban Cartography and Urban Design

Nielson, Jonathan M.

American Historians in War and Peace: Patriotism, Diplomacy and the Paris Peace Conference, 1918-1919

Nielson, Jonathan M. Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

A History of Alaska, Volume II: Alaska On the Road to War

Nielson, Jonathan M. Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

A History of Alaska, Volume III: Gibraltar of the North

Nielson, Jonathan M., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

A History of Alaska, Volume I: From Old and New Frontiers to the Changing Strategic Balance

Norman, York

Islamization in Bosnia: Sarajevo's Conversion and Socio-Economic Development, 1461-1604

Norton, Bruce H.

Letters from a Yankee Doughboy: Private 1 st Class Raymond W. Maker in World War I

Norton, Bruce H.

Letters from a Yankee Doughboy: Private 1st Class Raymond W. Maker in World War I (Paperback)

Norton, Major Bruce H. & Master Sergeant Phillip Gibbons

The Laurel Brigade at Brandy Station: A Military Staff Ride

Norton, Major Bruce H. and Kantrovich, Dr. Harry

Voices From Vietnam: Interviews, Letters, Vignettes, and Reflections, 1964-1982

Norton, Major Bruce H., United States Marine Corps (ret.)

A Marine POW Remembers Hell: Sergeant Major Charles R. Jackson in Japanese Captivity

Norton, Major Bruce H., USMC (ret.); Master Sergeant Phillip Gibbons, USMC (ret.)

The United States Marines in the Civil War: Harpers Ferry and the Battle of First Manassas

Novak, Gregory

A Kind of Pantheism: Escape from Cosmic Pessimism and the Quest for a Biocentric Ethic

Nugayev, Rinat

The Origin of Scientific Revolutions: The Clash Between Pervasive Research Traditions

Nuñez, Agustina González

Catholicism and Nation in Argentina: A Jesuit View

Nwaezeigwe, Nwankwo Ph.D.

The African Theater of the Middle East Conflict: Studies in Arab Neo-Colonialism in Black Africa, 1952-1993

Nwaezeigwe, Nwankwo Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Delivered From the Mouth of the Dragon: A Face To Face Encounter With Islamist Terrorism

Nwaezeigwe, Nwankwo, Ph.D.

Politics, Culture, and Origins in Nigeria: The Igbo and Their Nri Neighbors

O'Donnell, Francis Martin

The O’Donnells of Tyrconnell – A Hidden Legacy (Maunsel Irish Research Series)

O'hAodha, Michael

The Sacred Dance of the Irish Circus: Rural Ireland and Traveling Shows and Showpeople, 1922-1972

O'hAodha, Michael and Tony McCarthy

The Sacred Dance of the Irish Circus: Rural Ireland and Traveling Shows and Showpeople, 1922 -1972

Oduaran, Ph.D., Akpovire

An African Perspective on Development: Learning to Live and Living to Learn in the Twenty-First Century

Ofosu, Victor, MA, Kings College, London, journalist and political campaigner

The Demise of Arms Control: Non-Compliance and the New World Order (St. James’s Studies in World Affairs)

Ogunyemi, Yemi D.

The Oral Traditions in ILE –IFE: The Yoruba People and Their Book of Enlightenment

Ogunyemi, Yemi D. (Yemi D. Price)

The Aesthetic and Moral Art of Wole Soyinka

Öğüt, Suheyb; Founder and Director, Bosphorus Center for Global Affairs

Being and Symptom: The Intersection of Sociology, Lacanian Psychoanalysis, and Continental Philosophy

Ohsumi, Megumi, Assistant Professor, Center for International Affairs, Osaka University

Tradition and Emancipation in Horace and Alexander Pope

Ojakorotu Ph.D., Victor, and Olaopa Ph.D., Olawale: Editors

Women's Perspectives on Social and Political Development in Africa

Ojakorotu, Victor

Conflict and Human Security Threats in Africa

Ojakorotu, Victor & Ikemefuna Taire Paul Okudolo, Editors

African Migration: Recent Trends, Key Influences, and Implications

Okladnikov, Aleksei P. (1908-1981), famed Soviet Archeologist

The Peoples of Ancient Siberia: An Archeological History

Okladnikova, Elena A., Ed.

Homo Eurasicus: New Scholarly Views of Siberia and Inner Asia

O’Higgins-Norman, James

Homophobic Bullying in Irish Secondary Education

O’Higgins-Norman, James, Ph.D

Homophobic Bullying in Irish Secondary Education

O’Neill, Michael, J.D., Ph.D.

Cognition, Cultural Moments, and the Literary March Toward Civil Rights

O’Sullivan, John

Sleepwalking Into Wokeness: How We Got Here

Palouš, Martin

Once Upon a Time of Transition: Fourteen Exercises in Political Thought

Palouš, Martin (Editor)

The Solidarity of The Shaken: Jan Patočka’s Legacy in the Modern World

Palouš, Martin, Glenn Hughes (Editors)

The Presence of the Past: Essays on Memory, Conflict, and Reconciliation (St. James’s Studies in World Affairs)

Pandey, Sarita, PhD

Ecofeminism and Indian Women Writing in English

Papkov, Father Andrei

Russian Orthodox Liturgical Performance Practice

Papkov, Father Andrei

Konspekt uchebnykh materialov po Klirosnoi praktike

Parker, Ciaran, volume editor (Independent Scholar) ; Malcolm, Elizabeth, series editor (University of Melbourne)

Irish Historical Documents, vol. 2

Parker, Kenneth and Pahls, Michael J., Editors

Authority, Dogma and History: The Role of the Oxford Movement Converts in the Papal Infallibility Debates

Payne-Jackson, Arvilla: editor and contributor

Service Learning: An Agent for Social Change

Phillips, Thomas & Cate Rivers

Imposing Fictions: Subversive Literature and the Imperative of Authenticity

Pilon, Juliana Geran, Ph.D.

The Utopian Conceit and the War on Freedom

Pilon, Juliana Geran, PhD

An Idea Betrayed: Jews, Liberalism, and the American Left

Pitts, Eugene Isaac

Treating the Chemically Dependent Criminal Personality

Pizer, Donald

American Literary Naturalism

Polsky, Stephanie

Walter Benjamin’s Transit: A Destructive Tour of Modernism

Polsky, Stephanie, Ph.D., California College of the Arts

The End of the Future: Governing Consequence in the Age of Digital Sovereignty

Popoola, Ibukun Olukorede, Ph.D.

Africa and Climate Change

Porter, Burton, Ph.D., University of Oxford

The Janus Face of Ideas: Which Way Should We Look?

Porter, Burton, Ph.D., University of Oxford

Forbidden Knowledge: Things We Should Not Know

Porter, Burton, Ph.D., University of Oxford, Professor of Philosophy, Western New England University

The Age of Disinformation: A Contempt For Truth

Pouille, Adrien-teaches French, Francophone, and African literatures and cinemas at Wabash College, in Indiana

Human Journeys and the Quest for Knowledge in African Writing

Pouschine, Anna, Princeton University

Letters of a Russian Dissident: Ivan Pouschine’s Siberian Exile Correspondence

Quandt, Kenneth

The Gorgias of Plato

Quandt, Kenneth Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

The Phaedrus of Plato: A Translation with Notes and Dialogical Analysis

Quinn, E. Moore

Irish American Folklore in New England

Quintelli-Neary, Marguerite

The Irish American Myth of the Frontier West

Rabow, Jerome, Charles Powers et al

Excellent Teaching in the Excellent University: Realities and Possibilities for Voice in the College Classroom

Rai, Anuradha

Security and Women in Post-Conflict Societies: A Comparative Study of Cambodia and Rwanda

Ramsey, Jarold & Dorothy

The Piper of Cloone: Father James Keegan and the Early Gaelic Revival

Rask, Dr. Bart

Evolution by Affirming the Consequent: Scientific Challenges to Darwin's Theory of Evolution

Rather, Mohd Aarif, Ph.D.

Mapping Human Security Challenges in the Kashmir Valley (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Real, Hermann J.

Securing Swift

Redeker, Robert, Translated from French by Professor Philip Beitchman, NYU

Depression and Philosophy

Redeker, Robert; translated and with an introduction by Philip Beitchman with an Introduction by Christian Delacampagne, author of A History of French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century (Johns Hopkins,1999)

Inhuman: The Internet, Education and Humanity

Redfern, Walter

The Dead and the Quick: Cliches and Neologisms in the Written, Spoken and Visual Cultures of Britain, The United States and France

Redfern, Walter

Loose Connexions : The Poetry of Walter Redfern

Redfern, Walter

Puns and Their Kin

Redfern-West, Robert

Le Clezio: A Literary Topography of New Departures, Poetic Adventure and Sensual Ecstasy—The Man and His Works

Reid, David Stuart and Susan Stuart

Men as Islands: Robinsonades From Sophocles to Margaret Atwood

Reid, David; Lecturer (ret.), Department of English Studies, University of Stirling

Making Sense of Metaphors and Other Tropes

Reilly, Robert R., & Jens F. Laurson

An Anti-Woke Guide to Classical Music: A Celebration of Dead White Male Composers

Rex, Richard

The Literary Career of W. B. Trites

Rex, Richard

Imagination on Fire: The Literary Career of Alice Muriel Williamson

Richmond, Walter, Ph.D., University of Southern California

The Keys to Freedom: Tolstoyan lessons of life for every day, Volume II

Richmond, Walter, Ph.D., University of Southern California

The Keys to Freedom: Tolstoyan Lessons of Life for Every Day, Volume I

Rincy, V. Matthew, Ph.D. (editor), & Pachanatham, N., Ph.D. (editor)

Issues and Solutions to Women's Empowerment

Risden, E. L., Professor of English, St. Norbert College

Spiritual Shakespeare: Religious Subtext in the Plays

Risden, Edward

Shakespeare's Dramatic Maxims

Risden, Edward

Seeking the Beautiful: A Study in Literary Aesthetics

Rogal, Professor Samuel J. (editor)

“To Go and Serve the Desolate Sheep in America”: The Diary/Journal of Bishop Richard Whatcoat 1789 - 1800

Rogal, Samuel J.

John Wesley's Calendar: Day by Day on the Methodist Itinerancy

Rogal, Samuel J.

The Call of the Road: Visions of the Land in the Geographical Journey of Vachel Lindsay

Rollins, Ronald

Ruin, Ritual and Rememberance in 20th Century Irish Drama

Roman, David

Emperor Whisperers: A Comparative History of Ancient Chinese and Western Philosophy

Rooney, David

Kwame Nkrumah: Vision and Tragedy

Rose, Gary L.

Shaping A Nation: Twenty-Five Supreme Court Cases That Changed the United States

Rose, Gary L., Ph.D.

Connecticut in Crisis: Policy Challenges and the 2018 Contest for Governor

Rose, Gary L., Ph.D.; Professor and Chair, Department of Government, Sacred Heart University

New England Local Government: The Case of Connecticut

Rose, Gary L., PhD

James Madison, Public Servant: A Biography

Rosenstock, Gabriel

My Mule Drinks from the Ganges

Ross, Alexander

The Major: The Raj’s Last Man Standing In Search of Geoffrey Langlands

Roth, Marty

Cultures of Memory: Memory Culture, Memory Crisis and the Age of Amnesia

Roth, Marty

The Life and Death of Privacy in the West: the Ethnography of a Social and Aesthetic Concept

Roth, Marty

Trickle and Flow: Chapters in the History and Culture of Water

Roth, Marty

Change Partners: Motion, Becoming, Difference, Violence

Roth, Marty

The Face: A Cultural Geography

Rowland, Peter

The Unobtrusive Miss Hawker: The Life and Works of “Lanoe Falconer”, Late Victorian Novelist and Short Story Writer, 1848 - 1908

Rowland, Peter

Dickensian Digressions: The Hunter, The Haunter and the Haunted

Rowland, Peter

The Collected Stories of Lanoe Falconer: Edited and with an Introduction by Peter Rowland

Rozenman, Eric

From Elvis to Trump, Eyewitness to the Unraveling: Co-Starring Richard Nixon, Andy Warhol, Bill Clinton, the Supremes, and Barack Obama

Russo, James R.

The Practical Critic: André Bazin on Film, 1945-1958

Russo, James R., Ph.D.

Drama According to Alexander Bakshy, 1916-1946

Russo, James R., Ph.D.

Analyzing Film: A Student Casebook

Sammells, Professor Neil, Editor; Contributors: Louis Armand, Michael Faherty, Rui Carvalho Homem,Ellen Carol Jones, John Kenny, Marisol Morales Ladron, Vivian Valvano Lynch,Donald E Morse,Paul Murphy,Erin V Obermuelller,Monica Randaccio,Maryna Romanets,    Robert Tracy, Simon Tresize, Clare Wallace and Kim Wallace

Beyond Borders: IASIL Essays on Modern Irish Writing

Sanz, Rosa Maia Garcia

Digital Journalism : Rethinking Communications Law To Support Democracy and Viable Business Models

Sarikaya, Dilek Bulut

The Making of Afro-Caribbean Consciousness and Identity in the Poetry of Linton Kwesi Johnson, David Dabydeen, and Fred D’Aguiar.

Saur, Pamela

Ernst Weiss: Life, Works and Legacy of a Czech Literary Master and Friend of Franz Kafka, 1882–1940

Savvin, A. A., Natalia K. Danilova, Irina S. Zhushchikhovskaya

Pottery Craft of the Yakut

Scee, Trudy Irene, D/History, UMaine-Orono

A Bird for a Bonnet: Gender, Class and Culture in American Birdkeeping 1776 – 2000

Schmuck, Richard A. and Stevenson, Joseph M.

Action Research for College Community Health Work: Getting Out, Going Into and Giving Back

Schmuck, Richard A. and Stevenson, Joseph M.

Action Research for College Community Health Work: Getting Out, Going Into and Giving Back, Volume II

Schmuck, Richard A. and Stevenson, Joseph Martin

Action Research for Higher Educators

Schneller, Beverly

Anna Parnell’s Political Journalism: A Critical Edition

Schneller, Beverly, D/English, Millersville University

Delia Tudor Stewart Parnell and the Irish Home Rule Movement 1879-1898; The Story of the “Lady Chieftaness”

Scully, Eileen, Anglican Church of Canada

Grace and Human Freedom in the Theology of Henri Bouillard

Seiba, Zafar

Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Reconsidering the Role of Explicit Learning

Sennett, Herbert

Nicholas Rowe and the Beginnings of Feminism on the London Stage

Serhan, Randa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology, American University

Neither Thugs nor Terrorists: Black-Palestinian Solidarity Movements in the United States

Settele J, Kudrna O, Harpke A, Kuehn I, van Swaay C, Verovnik R, Warren M, Wiemers M, Hanspach J, Hickler T, Kuehn E, van Halder I, Veling K, Vliegenthart A, Wynhoff I, Schweiger O Helmholtz Center, Germany

The Climatic Risk Atlas of European Butterflies

Shantz, Jeff

Living Anarchy: Theory and Practice in Anarchist Movements

Sharkey, Elizabeth

Why Britain Rocked: How Rock Became Roll and Took over the World

Shatravka, Alexander, Soviet Dissident

Escape From Paradise: A Russian Dissident’s Journey From the Gulag to the West

Shearier, Stephen, Ph.D.

The Prague Circle: Franz Kafka, Egon Erwin Kisch, Max Brod, Franz Werfel, Paul Kornfeld, and Their Legacies

Shelton, Lewis E.

Ideas of Theatre: The Five Directorial Perspectives of the American Stage

Shienbaum, Professor Kim and Jamal Hasan, Editors

Beyond Jihad: Critical Voices From Inside Islam

Shults, Christopher and Stevenson, Joseph Martin

American Treasures: Building, Leveraging, and Sustaining Capacity in Historically Black College and Universities

Simonds, Ann G., Richard L. Bland & Don Dumond

Franz Boas in Translation: Place, Myth, and History

Simpson, Tuğçe Çankaya

Chivalric Tradition in 21st Century Fantasy Literature: Lacanian and Saidian Other

Skelly, Joseph , editor

The Collected Literary Criticism of Conor Cruise O’Brien

Smith, Marion, Executive Director, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation; Murray Bessette, Director of Academic Programs, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: Editors

Truth, Memory, Justice: One Hundred Years After the Bolshevik Revolution

Soi, Neha

Identity Politics and the Third World

Sokolow, Jayme A., PhD

Size Matters: A History of Height in America

Sorensen, Peter J.

Ideas of Ascension and Translation: A Study of the Literary and Cultural Mythological Tradition of the West

Southern, Antonia

Player, Playwright and Preacher's Kid: The Story of Nathan Field, 1587 – 1620

Southern, Antonia

The Queen's Godson; Sir John Harington of Kelston, 1560 – 1612

Southern, Antonia

Player, Playwright and Preacher's Kid : The Story of Nat Field, 1587 - 1620 (hardcover edition)

Southern, Antonia

Player, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist: The Story of Edward Alleyn, 1566 - 1626 (paperback edition)

Southern, Antonia

Player, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist: The Story of Edward Alleyn, 1566 - 1626 (hardcover edition)

Southern, Antonia

Courtly Love Revisited in the Age of Feminism

Sperber, Irwin

The New Medical Sociology: Compelling Current Narratives

Srilatha, G.

Hemingway and Ecocriticism

Starostina, Natalia; Editor

Memory and Mythology: Modern War and the Construction of Historical Memory , 1775 - 2000

Stephen, Janahanlal, PhD: Editor

Advances in Computer Application and Signal Processing (Bethesda Scientific)

Stevenson, Joseph Martin & Karen Wilson-Stevenson

Malcolm X’s Passport: Metaphors and Metaphysics for Futuristically Black Colleges and Universities in America, A Sourcebook for Futuring Finds & Mastering Minds

Stevenson, Joseph Martin and Mary M. White

The Engrossed Entrepreneurial Campus: What the Academy and the Economy Need Now

Stevenson, Joseph Martin and Ruth Williams, PhD

Modernizing the College Curriculum in American Higher Education: The Case for Transcultural Triangularity

Stevenson, Joseph Martin, Debra A. Buchanan, Melissa Druckrey, Jeton McClinton, & Karen Wilson-Stevenson

Heart & Soul: Higher Education Action Research Techniques & Strategies of University Leadership

Stevenson, Joseph Martin, Jay Finkelman, Bryant Horowitz, Melissa Druckrey, and Karen Wilson-Stevenson

Neurodiversity Within A Divided Nation: The Nerve to Unite

Stevenson, Joseph, Professor, Jackson State University; former Provost Mississippi Delta State University; Richard A. Schmuck, Debra A. Buchanan, Rodney Denne, Melissa Druckrey, Arthur Jefferson and Karen Wilson

Hear and Now: Desk Guide for Administrative and Academic Decision Making with Higher Education Action Research

Sullivan, Eileen A.

The Life of William Carelton (1794 - 1869) And The Origins of Modern Irish Literature

Suwwan, Noor

Within Tweeting Distance: How States Use Twitter Diplomacy

Swift, Catherine , volume editor (University of Liverpool) Elizabeth Malcolm, series editor (University of Melbourne)

Irish Historical Documents, vol. 1

Synodal School of Liturgical Music

Russian Orthodox Liturgical Music: Supplemental Source Material

Szamuely, Szamuely, Ph.D.

International Injustice: Humanitarian Intervention and the Abuse of War Crimes Trials

Tague, Gregory F.

Character and Consciousness: George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, E. M. Forster, D. H. Lawrence (Phenomenological, Ecological and Ethical Readings)

Tague, Gregory, Editor

The Origins of English Literary Modernism, 1870 – 1914

Tanner, Barney, former John Hay Fellow at Columbia and author

Joycean Elements in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby: Aspects of Burlesque, Shadowing, Dichotomies and Doubling

Tanny, Jarrod

The Seinfeld Talmud: A Jewish Guide To A Show About Nothing

Teelucksingh, Jerome

Caribbean Liberators: Bold and Black Personalities and Organizations 1900-1989

Tell, Carol

Part-Time Exiles: Contemporary Irish Poets and Their American Migrations

Thiher, Allen: Curators’ Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri, Columbia and Permanent Fellow, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge

Reform For An Enlightenment Education

Thompson, Corey Evan, University of Windsor

Alistair MacLeod: A Literary Companion

Thompson, Corey Evan; University of Windsor

Death in Herman Melville’s Fiction: Melville’s “Memento Mori”

Thornton, Richard C.

Ronald Reagan: Revolution Ascendant (St. James’s Studies in World Affairs)

Thornton, Richard C.

Ronald Reagan: Revolution Betrayed (St. James’s Studies in World Affairs)

Thornton, Richard C., Professor of History and International Affairs, George Washington University

Kings and Conquistadors: Spain’s American Empire

Tinker, Vanessa

Education for Peace: The Politics of Adopting and Mainstreaming Peace Education Programs in a Post-Conflict Setting

Tohme, Hicham, Ph.D., Sheffield University

Russia's Geostrategic Outlook and the Syrian Crisis (St. James's Studies in World Affairs)

Tolstoy, Nikolai, eminent historian and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature

Stalin’s Vengeance ($49.95; 35GBP): The Final Truth About the Forced Return of Russians After World War II

Tonetto, Walter Ph.D.

Exiled in Language: The Poetry of Margaret Diesendorf, Walter Billeter, Rudi Krausman and Manfred Jurgensen

Turner, Tramble T.

Colm Toibin: Novels of the State, Childhood and Religion

Tuttle, Jon W.

South Carolina Onstage

Umukoro, Nathaniel; Florence Masajuwa

Research Methodology for Social and Legal Studies

Ungar, Molly Pulver, Ph.D., York University, Associate Professor of History (ret.), University of the Fraser Valley

The Last Ulysseans: Culture and Modernism in Montreal

Uno, Kei

Japanese Catholic Intellectuals and Newman Studies

Uno, Kei

A Survey of Catholic History in Modern Japan

Valditara, Giuseppe: University of Turin

Civis Romanus Sum: Citizenship and Empire in Ancient Rome

Van Dyk, Jere

Without Borders: The Haqqani Network and the Road to Kabul

Vandevelde, Karen

The Alternative Dramatic Revival in Ireland 1987 – 1913

Vanke, Jeffrey

Europeanism and European Union: Interests,Emotions and Systemic Integration, in the Early European Economic Union,1954 - 1966

Vasudevan, Shritha K., University of Florida

Predicting Gender Violence in India: A Counterintuitive Theoretical Approach (St. James’s Studies in World Affairs)

Villar-Argáiz, Pilar

The Poetry of Eavan Boland: A Postcolonial Reading

Wallen, John

New Perspectives on Sir Richard Burton: Orientalism, The Cannibal Club and Victorian Ideas of Sex, Race and Gender

Wallen, John

New Perspectives on Sir Richard Burton: Orientalism, The Cannibal Club and Victorian Ideas of Sex, Race and Gender, 2nd Edition

Wallhead, Celia

Washington Irving and Spain: The Romantic Movement, The Re/Creation of Islamic Andalusia and the Critical Reception

Walton, Stuart

Sleepless Nights: The Faults and Failings of Love

Ward, Harry M.

Going Down Hill: Legacies of the American Revolutionary War

Warwick, Keith, California writer and civil engineer

The Jewish Community in New England

Weinberger, Alan, Professor of Law, Saint Louis University School of Law

Backstories in the Law: Tales of Victors, Villains and Victims (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Weiss, Elizabeth

On the Warpath: My Battles With Indians, Pretendians, and Woke Warriors

West, Taylor

Shards of Identity: The Origins of the Evangelical Movement during the Cold War, 1945-1981

Whisker, James B. and Spiker, Kevin

Arms Makers of Massachusetts, 1610 - 1900

Whisker, James B., Professor Emeritus of Political Science, West Virginia University; John R. Coe, Parkersburg WV schools, retired

Nazi Ideologist: The Political and Social Thought of Alfred Rosenberg

Whisker, James B., Professor Emeritus of Political Science, West Virginia University; John R. Coe, Parkersburg, West Virginia Schools (retired)

Why Japan Lost World War II

Whisker, James B., Professor Emeritus of Political Science, West Virginia University; Kevin R. Spiker, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ohio University

Command Responsibility: Holding Military Leaders Accountable for their Troops (W. B. Sheridan Law Books)

Whisker, James B.:Professor Emeritus of Political Science, West Virginia University; Kevin R. Spiker, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ohio University

Capital Punishment in American Courts

Wolfinger, Nicholas H. (Ed.)

Professors Speak Out: The Truth About Campus Investigations

Wolfson, Adi, Ph.D., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Humankind, Society, and the Environment: Lessons of the Past and Responsibility to the Future

Woznicki, Andrew

The Transcendent Mystery in Man: A Global Approach to Ecumenism

Wright, Jay , Ph.D.

Consulting: Part Time and Full Time Career Options for Scholars and Researchers

Xerri, Daniel

Ted Hughes' Art of Healing: Into Time and Other People

Yamasaki, Lisa

Mirrored Sublimation: Essays on the Early Work of Knut Hamsun

Young, Julian

The Postmodernists: An Introduction

Zakaev, Akhmed, Prime Minister-in-Exile of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Subjugate or Exterminate!: A Memoir of Russia’s Wars in Chechnya

Zakaev, Akhmed, Prime Minister-in-Exile of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Subjugate or Exterminate!: A Memoir of Russia’s Wars in Chechnya (paperback)

Zakaev, Akhmed, Prime Minister-in-Exile of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

Russia, Chechnya, and the West, 2000–2006

Zazerskaya, Tatiana Ph.D., St. Petersburg State University (Russia)

Latvia's Ordeal: Nation Building in War and Revolution

Zelman, Thomas W. and Patricia L. Hagen

Eavan Boland and the History of the Ordinary: A Critical Study

Zriba, Hassen, Professor and Chair, Department of English, University of Gafsa (Tunisia) (Ed.)

Postmodernism and Narratives of Erasure in Culture, Literature, and Language