D'Cunha, Sr. Candy, Ken Saldanha, Editors
Associate Professor of English, Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology (India)
Author of Keys of Life and Ecosophical Vision and Self-Realization in Margaret Atwood’s Prose
Eco-criticism, as explored in this volume edited by Sr. Candy D’Cunha, and co-edited by Ken Saldanha, begins with the concept of imagination, in other words, eco-aesthetics through which the power of words, stories, images, essence, and meaning are directly applied to environmental problems that afflict planet earth today. On the other hand, eco-criticism also concurs with the other branches of environmental humanities in the realm of history, ethics, anthropology, religious studies, and humanistic geography, among others.
Environmental Studies, Ecology, Intercultural Studies, Ethics, Literature, Anthropology, Humanism, Geography, Transnational Studies, Conservation, Developing World, Ecofeminism, Literature and Nature, Naturalism
Release Date:
October 15, 2020
978-1680531022 Hardcover