Porter, Burton, Ph.D., University of Oxford
Author of Finding Your Own Philosophy of Life and The Great Perhaps: God as Question and The Janus Face of Ideas: Which Way Should We Look?
In this book eminent philosopher Burton Porter examines the concept of “forbidden knowledge” in religion, science, government, and psychology. From the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden (forbidden fruit), to world altering scientific research (nuclear power, stem-cells, cloning) to damning government secrets (Abu Ghraib, domestic spying), to traumatic experiences that individuals want to repress (sexual abuse), humanity has encountered knowledge that has been hidden and suppressed.
Philosophy, National Security, International Relations, Ethics, Privacy, Terrorism, Psychology, Mindfulness, Humanities, Ideology, Myths, Epistemology, Repressed Memories, Pathology
Release Date:
December 20, 2019
978-1680532142 Hardcover